  System maintenance will occur at 11:00pm EDT Tuesday, 4/23/2024, and will last for up to 1 hour. Sightline will be intermittently inaccessible during this time so please plan your schedules accordingly.

Log In.

Use your Sightline credentials to log in.

Forgot your password?   |   Forgot your username?

Sightline Security Enhancements:

For your security and the integrity of our data we have implemented some enhancements to user authentication.
  • If this is your first time signing in since these updates, you will be prompted to change your password to something with minimum strength requirements
  • Passwords are case-sensitive
  • If you have difficulty signing in, use the Forgot Password feature to have a password reset link sent to the email address associated with your user account
  • If you can't remember your user name, use the Forgot Username feature to have a list of all user accounts associated with your email address sent to you

Ethos Employees:

Please note that it is in violation of company security policy to use your browser to remember your password for you unless your password manager is configured with a strong master password.